A way to judge the top

طريقة لقمة القاضي
Method of the top of the contents of the top of the judge 2 of the judge's top 2.1 Ingredients 2.2 Amounts of diameter 2.3 Method of preparation 3 dumplings 3.1 Ingredients 3.2 Method of preparation for the summit of the judge is considered the top of the judge of sweets very beloved especially in the Arab countries and specifically in the country Sham is a favorite dessert in the winter to give it a sense of warmth when eating and for this meal many names, including the top of the judge or dumplings or blackjack and also multiple ways. 4 cups of plain flour Three cups of water A teaspoon of instant yeast dissolved in two tablespoons of water A little sugar and a bowl of salt Five cups of vegetable oil to fry the judge's top. Amount of diameter We need a cup of half of water Three tablespoons of water of the dice Three drops of lemon juice Five cups of sugar. Preparation: We dissolve the yeast in warm water and leave it aside for 10 minutes. We arrange the flour, add the water and mix the yeast to the flour. Pour the mixture well in a bowl and cover it with a piece of cloth. Leave the dough for four hours if the weather is warm or we leave it overnight. The weather is cold until the size of the dough is doubled. We beat the dough by hand until the yeast bubbles disappear. Then put the oil in a deep saucepan over medium heat. When the oil is well heated, put a handful of dough in the hand grip. We squeeze it with the fingers until the dough comes out of the hand grip from between the fingers. We cut it with a small spoon so that it is in the form of small balls and put it in hot oil so carefully that the oil does not fly and leads to burns. We do this until the oil surface of the rollers rolls off the dough rollers. We move continuously until the dough is browned inside the oil from all sides. We light the fire under the pot and leave the balls until they become golden color with continuous stirring. Then lift the balls with a spoon of multiple holes to filter the oil while lifting and dipping in the diameter and leave until you drink the diameter and then lift it and continue to do so until the amount of the whole dough and eaten hot or cold as desired. Dumplings Ingredients 3 cups finely 1 cup shami or Australian flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 ملعقة teaspoon instant yeast Preparation Method: Dissolve the yeast in warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and a quantity of water to make the dough as soft as solid milk. Then add the sieve flour to the dissolved yeast in salt Then add the water gradually and then rub the dough well with hands until it becomes solid milk leave for two hours to ferment and then we eat the dough with small pieces in the pan, we dipped it with cold or hard honey or sugar.


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